Star Wars cosplay at Independence Day parade!

Star Wars stormtroopers on Segways patrol the parade route during the Fourth of July in Coronado.
Star Wars stormtroopers riding Segways patrol the parade route during the Fourth of July in Coronado.

Check out these cool Star Wars cosplay photos! During today’s Independence Day parade in Coronado, a group of Star Wars enthusiasts strutted their stuff to the delight of the huge crowd lining Orange Avenue! It seemed to me the adults were just as excited as the kids! I was able to snap a few quick photographs. Enjoy!

A TIE fighter heads down Orange Avenue! Has the Galactic Empire taken over Coronado? Is there no hope?
A TIE fighter heads down Orange Avenue! Has the Galactic Empire taken over Coronado? Is there no hope?
Uh, oh. Look who I spotted. Darth Vader! Let's hope it's just a guy enjoying Star Wars cosplay.
Uh, oh. Look who I spotted. Darth Vader! Let’s hope it’s just a guy enjoying Star Wars cosplay.
Fear not! Rey is here to fight against the dark side of the Force!
Fear not! Rey is here to fight against the dark side of the Force!
And here comes Princess Leia, too! I don't think that TIE fighter has a chance.
And here comes Princess Leia in some sort of futuristic vehicle! I don’t think that TIE fighter has a chance.
I believe that one of the Rebel Alliance's ace pilots.
I believe that is one of the Rebel Alliance’s ace pilots.
Are those a bunch of clones? No, just young kids who've turned into Star Wars fans!
Are those a bunch of clones? No, just young kids who’ve turned into Star Wars fans!

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Published by

Richard Schulte

Downtown San Diego has been my home for many years. My online activities reflect my love for writing, blogging, walking and photography.

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