The joyful Africa Day in Balboa Park!

Today was Africa Day at the International Cottages in Balboa Park! The event was presented by the House of USA.

The joyful program celebrated African culture with storytelling, drumming, song, dance and more. The nations of Ghana, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Liberia, Uganda and Kenya were represented, with the 48th anniversary of San Diego’s sister city relationship with Tema, Ghana a special highlight.

When I arrived in the early afternoon the event was already underway. I was privileged to listen to a tale about the “upside-down” baobab tree from Linda Brown of the Black Storytellers of San Diego, then watch youthful dancers from the House of Somalia. Somalia is the first African nation with an official membership in Balboa Park’s International Cottages. Other nations are taking steps to join, as well!

The lawn at the International Cottages featured a table concerning San Diego sister city Tema, Ghana. It was filled with crafts and beautiful cultural artifacts.

Another table showed how the Rotary Club of El Cajon Sunset has worked to improve the life of villagers in Kenya by planting gardens and trees and training farmers, by building a community center with the help of paid youth, and by supplying wheel chairs, water tanks and other useful items.

I also learned how the organization My Chosen Vessels is uplifting Maasai communities in Kenya by delivering clean water through an indigenous women-led water bottling enterprise. Sales of jewelry hand made by Maasai women would benefit those communities, as well.

What I loved most was dancing that was joined by many in the audience. I believe it was an energetic dance that is popular in Ghana. Without hesitation, many joyfully dancing people came up onto the stage!

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Published by

Richard Schulte

Downtown San Diego has been my home for many years. My online activities reflect my love for writing, blogging, walking and photography.

One thought on “The joyful Africa Day in Balboa Park!”

  1. So sorry I missed this event. Thank you for bringing the excitement to us, Richard Schulte! You are very much appreciated.

    Liked by 2 people

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