Deep fried EVERYTHING at the County Fair?

Is there anything edible not deep fried at the San Diego County Fair? Walk past the endless food stands and it might seem that way!

Of course, there are many non-deep fried offerings everywhere you turn at the fair, like burritos, hot dogs, hamburgers, barbeque, turkey legs, cinnamon rolls or ice cream. But who hasn’t made a joke about the numerous, sometimes bizarre deep fried treats that might tempt curious fairgoers?

Deep fried pizza.

Deep fried decadence: Mexican funnel cakes.

Totally fried Oreo.

Fried s’mores on a stick.

Fried shrimp with French fries.

Totally fried avocados.

Totally fried Twinkies.

Fried chicken, of course.

Fried veggies. (Is that more healthy?)

Bacon wrapped pickle totally fried!

Deep fried pork sandwich.


Lip smacking good!

Where’s my bottle of antacid?

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Published by

Richard Schulte

Downtown San Diego has been my home for many years. My online activities reflect my love for writing, blogging, walking and photography.

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