Please join Bloggers Lifting Others Generously!

Bloggers Lifting Others Generously - 500 x 500

I’d like to propose a new informal organization. Anyone can join. It exists in our spirit. It’s called B.L.O.G., which stands for Bloggers Lifting Others Generously.

We bloggers have amazing power. Our presence on the internet is enormous. We have significant and increasing influence in the world. Together we can make a huge positive difference.

So why not flex our muscles and use that growing influence to do good?

My proposal:

To be a self-appointed member of B.L.O.G., one must make a conscious effort to help nonprofits, charities and unselfish individuals who tirelessly work to improve our world.

Bloggers Lifting Others Generously will help these deserving folks by providing them with publicity.

From time to time–when opportunities arise–members of B.L.O.G. will publish posts about charitable efforts.Β  One might write a post to help publicize an organization’s food drive, or a community’s environmental cleanup, or neighborhood students trying to raise money, or a walk to find a cure…

Every member of B.L.O.G. will use the power of their passionate words to support those who work to improve our world.

Here are some examples.

Will you join me? I even made a big blue B.L.O.G. graphic as you can see at the top of this post! Make your own or use mine if you’d like! It’s all about a spirit of giving and doing things that are meaningful. Isn’t generosity what’s ultimately important in life, anyway?

Let’s make this world (and the internet) a better place!

Published by

Richard Schulte

Downtown San Diego has been my home for many years. My online activities reflect my love for writing, blogging, walking and photography.

23 thoughts on “Please join Bloggers Lifting Others Generously!”

  1. Oh, Richard, in the most unfortunate coincidence in history, you caught me on the very day that I’ve stopped blogging in the traditional sense. But I have spread the word in my steampunk groups, and a lot of them claim to be civic-minded altruists. I guess we’ll find out, huh?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, such a good idea. I find the blogging community very generous & helpful with each other; this is a logical extension — and surely many bloggers are also volunteers or staff with worthy not-for-profits. I have sometimes publicized ones I work with, e.g. the Y, and when I was training for the Iceland trek I wrote quite often about the Arthritis Society (the society we were trekking for), so you’re reminding us to keep talking about and celebrating the work of such organizations. Good for you.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Bloggers for the most part are good-natured, thoughtful, creative people, who have the built-in ability to make a tangible difference! Whether people like my B.L.O.G. idea or not, we can definitely use our gifts and blogs to promote people and organizations who are laboring–often in obscurity–to make the world better!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I am so humbled by this idea… how do we stay connected? I want to be in this pile of goodness.

    Plus thank you for visiting my Crows of Arroyos blog. It has transformed over the years and I can see we have some very similar things going on.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. As I see it, our connection is the idea. Simply call yourself a member of B.L.O.G. and you’re good to go! There’s no formal organization. No links, promotional gimmicks, logos, rules or demands. Just an unselfish spirit of giving! Take the idea and go with it where you will! And thank you for visiting, too! Good luck!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Are you referring to B.L.O.G. or to the Give Love San Diego event that I blogged about yesterday? B.L.O.G. is an online undertaking that anybody can join at any time; I don’t know about the next Give Love event, if that’s what you’re referring to!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Richard,
        Thank you so much for taking your time, from I’m sure a very busy schedule, to reply to me. It made my day!! I will be immediately going to join B.L.O.G, and what a fantastic, inspiring idea. I will stay tuned for the next ‘Give Love San Diego’ event too.

        Liked by 1 person

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