Unusual new public art at Little Italy trolley station.

Worker at new parking structure construction site in Little Italy, right next to the trolley station.
Worker at parking garage construction site, which is right next to the Little Italy trolley station.

I was pleasantly surprised this morning to see some new public artwork at one end of the Little Italy trolley station. It’s part of the new parking structure that’s being built right next to the station.

I had to peer over and through a chain link fence, but the super colorful leaf-like art immediately tickled my fancy. Upon closer examination, the multi-colored ovals that form a dazzling mosaic appear to be impressed with different tire tracks. I guess that would be appropriate for a parking garage!


I’ve noticed that a small plaque installed by the artwork reads:

David Adey




This parking garage, when completed, will serve both the nearby County Administration Center and Little Italy.
This parking garage, when completed, will serve both the nearby County Administration Center and Little Italy.
Elements of new public art that resemble colored leaves are actually ovals that appear to be stamped with different tire treads.
Brilliant layers of new public art in San Diego. Forming a mosaic, these ovals appear to be randomly squished by vehicle tires with different treads.
There's some unusual, colorful new artwork at the Little Italy trolley station in downtown San Diego!
There’s some unusual new artwork at the Little Italy trolley station in downtown San Diego!

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Published by

Richard Schulte

Downtown San Diego has been my home for many years. My online activities reflect my love for writing, blogging, walking and photography.

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