What Is Love mural painted in Escondido.

Sebastian Stehr (@indian_t2b), a graffiti artist from Frankfurt Germany, finished painting a beautiful mural in Escondido about a week ago. His inspirational 15′ by 15′ mural titled What Is Love debuted last Wednesday.

Sebastian is working to complete 100 murals for his project Philosophical Graffiti, What is Love. His murals feature paintings of indigenous children accompanied by poetry. The mural in Escondido is his 86th so far. When all 100 are completed, Sebastian plans to publish a book concerning the project.

I missed the mural’s official debut, unfortunately, but I headed up to Escondido today to see it for myself.

I’ve learned that this mural, located in the alley behind Royal Traveler (125 North Kalmia), is the beginning of Esco Alley Art‘s extension to this same alley on the north side of Grand Avenue.

Several blocks of another alley to the south of Grand Avenue are already filled with amazing artwork!

Children imitate so they learn…then we better do righteous and good…

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Published by

Richard Schulte

Downtown San Diego has been my home for many years. My online activities reflect my love for writing, blogging, walking and photography.

One thought on “What Is Love mural painted in Escondido.”

  1. The City of Escondido and Esco Alley Art/Downtown Business Association welcomed Sebastian with open arms. Our community is enriched with a historical and brilliant masterpiece. The artist is filled with kindness, his heart is in the right place and we have much to learn from Sebastian Stehr.

    Liked by 1 person

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