Writing a blog opens up an amazing world.

Birds take flight above palm trees in downtown San Diego.
Birds take flight above palm trees in downtown San Diego.

This is my 500th post. I can’t believe it.

When I started writing this blog on a lark about a year and a half ago, it was a puny little creation, and I hadn’t a clue where it would take me. Alas, after many hours pounding away at the old keyboard, I haven’t earned one thin dime. But that’s perfectly fine. The riches I’ve received are immaterial, and far greater.

Writing a blog–one that involves photography in particular–opens your eyes, enhances your appreciation of all that is around you. To chronicle a walk through this world, one must carefully experience each step and turn curious eyes everywhere. One must note light, depth, and the color of things. One must listen to others. If I hadn’t begun to meander about San Diego purposefully, searching for “cool” material, I might never have seen some hidden rainbows. Or a small bit of street art. Or dogs surf.

Writing a blog encourages creativity. It’s casual and conversational. There’s no need to fret too much about editing. Readers are just friends. So you can yap freely and let the mind flow. I’ve always been a fan of science fiction writer Ray Bradbury. His great book Zen in the Art of Writing talks about the power of just letting thoughts flow, uninhibited, like gushing water from a wildly whipping dangerously uncontrolled hose. That water will irrigate one’s life, and the lives of others who are splashed.

Writing a blog leads the author to be more honest. More understanding. More compassionate. More vulnerable. Writing a blog, giving birth to a few silly words, expands the soul.

Thanks for coming along on my walks!

Where will I go today? I have a bit of an idea, but I’m not certain. Time propels us forward into the unknown. If you’d like, follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Tumblr!

Published by

Richard Schulte

Downtown San Diego has been my home for many years. My online activities reflect my love for writing, blogging, walking and photography.

14 thoughts on “Writing a blog opens up an amazing world.”

  1. San Diego is a wonderful place to live. As much as we would like to get out and do all that there is to do, we just can’t get to it all. Fortunately for us, your blog is the next best thing to being there. We enjoy seeing events we’ve missed and seeing places we’ve already explored. Thanks for the great photos and commentaries. Cool San Diego Sights is a household name in our house!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow! How cool of you to say such a nice thing! There’s so much to do, not only in San Diego, but in life! One wishes one could be everywhere at once! One good thing about living downtown is I’m often steps from some pretty interesting action. But I like reading blogs too to see the million things in a million different places I’ve missed! Have a great rest-of-the-weekend!


  2. First blog without lots of photos. Still enjoyable, because you have shared so much of yourself, Richard. 500 posts? Amazing! I see you have also expanded your universe on social media. That’s nice. 🙂 Good luck on your next 500!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very sweet! I truly appreciate your “eye” for wonderful places to notice, events to go to, always expressed with gratitude and an open heart. Thanks for sharing your journey with me.

    Liked by 1 person

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